Our multilateral relationships
Our multilateral relationships harness the power of combined action, collaborating with others to address the world's leading causes of death and disability.
ECOSOC Consultative Status
As an organisation with Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Consultative status, The George Institute has access to not only ECOSOC, but also to its many subsidiary bodies, to the various human rights mechanisms of the United Nations, ad-hoc processes and special events organized by the President of the General Assembly. Consultative status is granted by ECOSOC upon recommendation of the Committee on NGOs, which is composed of 19 Member States.
Learn moreUNFCC Observer Status
As a UNFCC Observer, The George Institute may be among other participant categories at meetings and conferences in the UNFCCC process. Representatives of observer organizations represent a broad spectrum of interests.
Learn moreWHO Civil Society Working Group on Climate and Health member
As a member of WHO Civil Society Working Group on Climate and Health, The George Institute collaborates with other civil society groups working in the climate and health space, participating in the annual Global Climate and Health Summits and ensuring ongoing dialogue and mutual reinforcement of global efforts to address the health impacts and opportunities of climate change.
Learn moreWHO Civil Society Working Group on Noncommunicable Diseases member
The George Institute is a member of the WHO Civil Society Working Group (CSWG) on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs), a network of 36 representatives of civil society organizations promoting meaningful engagement and advocating globally for bold and transformative multistakeholder solutions to address NCDs and integrated health challenges as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Learn moreWHO Global Coordination Mechanism on Noncommunicable Diseases participant
As a Participant of the WHO Global Coordination Mechanism on Noncommunicable Diseases participant The George Institute is part of a globally active NCD network, jointly strategizing, knowledge-sharing, and co-designing multisectoral and multistakeholder action. It provides an interface to connect with, convene and amplify the voices of a diverse group of stakeholders and individuals with lived experiences as well as engage with Member States, UN entities, and fellow GCM Participants to advance coherent NCD response efforts.
Learn moreWHO Collaborating Centre for Population Salt Reduction
The World Health Organization recognises salt reduction as a cost-effective intervention for reducing the burden of ill-health around the world. The George Institute hosts The World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Population Salt Reduction (WHO CC SALT) which was established in March 2013 to support Member States to meet salt reduction targets.
Learn moreWHO Collaborating Centre for Injury Prevention and Trauma Care
Since 2016, the George Institute hosted the WHO Collaborating Centre on Injury Prevention and Trauma Care, which aims to work with WHO and Member States to:
• generate evidence for universal injury prevention interventions and how these can be implemented most effectively,
• support WHO in the delivery and dissemination of communication & advocacy materials for injury prevention & Emergency Trauma Care
• assist WHO in the development and implementation of WHO Emergency Trauma Care initiatives
• collaborate with WHO in building capacity in injury prevention and Emergency Trauma Care.
Child Health Initiative
The George Institute is part of Child Health Initiative, which operates as a collaborative partnership, with the aim of achieving country and donor support for the objective of a safe and healthy journey to school for all children by 2030 with a focus on global and national advocacy, research, and programme implementation, and supporting policy and technical interventions to bring air quality levels within World Health Organization guidelines.
Learn moreGlobal Alliance for the Care of the Injured
The main aim of WHO Global Alliance for Care of the Injured (GACI) is to save millions of lives and minimize the devastating consequences of injuries by strengthening trauma care systems. The George Institute is a member of this network of governmental and intergovernmental organizations as well as other nongovernmental organizations, including professional societies, working internationally, who collaborate to improve care for the injured across the spectrum of prehospital and hospital care and rehabilitation of the injured.
Learn moreUnited Nations Road Safety Collaboration
The George Institute is part of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC), an informal consultative mechanism whose goal is to facilitate international cooperation and strengthen global and regional coordination among UN agencies and other international partners to implement UN General Assembly Resolutions on road safety.
Learn moreWHO Global Coordination Mechanism on NCDs
The George Institute is a member of the World Health Organization’s Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (WHO GCM/NCD). This Member State-led platform began in 2014 to facilitate multi-stakeholder engagement and cross-sectoral collaboration to prevent and control NCDs and mental health conditions.
Learn more