Alexandra Jones

About Alexandra Jones

Program Lead - Food Governance

  • Conjoint Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW
  • Ph.D. (Medicine and Health),
  • LL.M. (Global Health Law),
  • LLB,
  • BA

Alexandra Jones is a public health lawyer and researcher leading a program of work on regulatory strategies to promote healthier, more sustainable diets. Her work uses an innovative mix of law and science to generate evidence that supports policymakers to design and implement policies with maximum public health impact. She works closely with UN agencies, national and state governments, public health and consumer organizations, and academic collaborators to translate evidence into effective action.

Ali’s current research interests include food labelling, composition, pricing and marketing policies. She also supports the Institute’s growing work on the commercial determinants of health. Her PhD explored Australia’s Health Star Rating system and similar front-of-pack nutrition labels used worldwide. Its impact can be seen in important reforms to the Health Star Rating system, and in the terms of international food standards being developed in this area.

Ali has previously worked on global tobacco control, and in health and human rights. She holds a PhD in Medicine and Health from the University of Sydney, a Master of Laws in Global Health Law from Georgetown Law (Washington, D.C.), and a Bachelor of Arts/Law from the University of Sydney. Ali is currently supported by an NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellowship.



Mexico's bold new law on adequate and sustainable nutrition

The Lancet Date published:

The prevalence of mandated and voluntary health information on alcohol products in Australia

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health Date published:

Problems With Relevance, Certainty, and Misinterpretation of Empirical Evidence in the Umbrella Review “Health Effects of Drinking 100% Juice”

Nutrition Reviews Date published:

“There's just a lot of numbers and I just want to have a drink”: The challenge of communicating the energy content of alcohol products

Appetite Date published:

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