Allison Humphries

About Dr Allison Humphries

Senior Research Fellow, Respiratory Programme

  • Operations Lead, Academic Project Operations

Allison has been working in clinical research since 1992 and managing clinical trials since 2001, working in the fields of hypertension, preeclampsia, HIV, obesity and respiratory medicine. Allison has worked in hospital settings (St George Hospital, Sydney; Leicester Royal Infirmary, UK; Groote Schuur Hospital, RSA) and University/Medical Research Institutes (Kirby and The George Institute).

Since working at The George Institute, she has worked as a Senior Project Manager and Operational Lead in APO and now holds an academic position in the Respiratory Programme. Allison has managed project teams to deliver multiple clinical trials and research projects such as TASCS, ECOS, PACE in COPD and now the BREATHE CDSS.

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