@proceedings{17861, author = {Hayman N. and Cass Alan and Brady J. and Tchan Maria and Lawrence Chris and Brown A. and Howard H. and Rickards B. and Yarnold D. and de Vries J. and Scuderi N. and Peiris David and Patel Anushka}, title = {The Identification and management of vascular diseases and their risk factors in eight Indigenous primary health care services--The results of the Kanyini Vascular Collaboration Audit study}, year = {2008}, journal = {Proceedings of the 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand}, volume = {17(Suppl 3):S157. }, chapter = {1.043}, month = {-35032168020}, publisher = {Heart, Lung and Circulation}, address = {Adelaide, Australia}, language = {eng}, }