@article{21136, author = {Thomas NE and Kricker A and WT Waxweiler and Dillon PM and Busam KJ and From L and Groben PA and Armstrong BK and Anton-Culver H and Gruber SB and Marrett LD and Gallagher RP and Zanetti R and Rosso S and Venn A and Kanetsky PA and Orlow I and Paine S and Ollila DW and Reiner AS and Luo L and Hao H and Frank JS and Dwyer T}, title = {Comparison of clinicopathologic features and survival of histopathologically amelanotic and pigmented melanomas: a population-based study.}, year = {2014}, journal = {JAMA Dermatology}, edition = {2014 Aug 27 [epub ahead of print]}, language = {eng}, }