@article{21226, author = {Cappuccio F. and Correa-Rotter R. and MacGregor G. and Campbell N. and Lackland D. and Neal Bruce and Webster Jacqui}, title = {Proposed nomenclature for salt intake and for reductions in dietary salt}, abstract = {

There is considerable confusion about what ranges of dietary salta could be considered low, normal, or high and also what ranges of reduction in dietary salt are small or large. The World Hypertension League with other organizations involved in dietary salt reduction have proposed a standardized nomenclature based on normal ancestral levels of salt intake and also on ranges of reduction in salt intake in clinical and population interventions. Low daily salt (sodium) intake where harm due to deficiency would be expected to occur is recommended to remain undefined because of inadequate research but likely <0.25 g (100 mg), normal (physiological) intake <2.5 g (1000 mg), recommended intake <5.0 g (2000 mg), high >/=5.0 g (2000 mg), very high >10 to 15 g (4000-6000 mg), and extremely high >15 g (6000 mg). Reductions in daily salt (sodium) intake are recommended to be called small if <2.5 g (1000 mg), moderate if 2.5 to 5.0 g (1000-2000 mg) and large if >5.0 g (2000 mg). Use of this nomenclature is likely to result in less confusion about salt intake and interventions to reduce dietary sodium.

}, year = {2015}, journal = {Journal of Clinical Hypertension}, volume = {17}, edition = {2014/11/22}, pages = {247-51}, isbn = {1751-7176 (Electronic)
1524-6175 (Linking)}, note = {Campbell, Norm R C
Correa-Rotter, Ricardo
Cappuccio, Francesco P
Webster, Jacqui
Lackland, Daniel T
Neal, Bruce
MacGregor, Graham A
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2014 Nov 21. doi: 10.1111/jch.12442.}, language = {Eng}, }