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NIHR-GHRC for Non-communicable Diseases and Environmental Change awarded GHR Cohort Academic Development Award NIHR-GHR-CADA 2022-2023
The National Institute for Health & Care Research-Global Health Research Centre for Non-Communicable Diseases and Environment Change (NIHR-GHRC (NCD&EC)) secured the Cohort Academic Development award (CADA) 2022-2023. This award will help train young researchers from the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research in Bangladesh, The George Institute for Global Health in India, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research in India, and Brawijaya University in Indonesia. It aims to build research capacity of early career researchers and research managers and is designed and make them better at doing research, managing research projects, and communicating their findings.
Towards this end, a special training program was created after a training needs assessment among academic groups. Senior researchers and research managers from the Centre are teaching this program. The training includes four vital domains of research namely, Qualitative Research Methods, Research Data Management, Scientific Communication and Research Management
The training program is scheduled to take place between July 2023 to December 2023. It involves live webinars where participants can interact and learn together. There will also be chances for self-paced learning using an online platform. Additionally, there will be a six-day, in-person workshop in Malang, Indonesia. This workshop will allow early career researchers and research managers to meet in person, connect with each other, and share cross-country experiences.
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