Our communities

At The George Institute, we are committed to improving our research by making it more relevant, responsive, translatable, and accountable to our communities, including patients, consumers, people with lived experiences, carers, civil society groups, and the public. These groups have a right to have a say in what is researched and how, and our aim is to ensure their involvement is a fundamental aspect of all our projects, wherever applicable and feasible.

Meaningful involvement ensures that research questions are aligned with community needs, improves the relevance and usefulness of findings, and promotes a sense of ownership and understanding among community members. Additionally, it provides a platform for advocacy and increases the likelihood of research findings being used by policy makers. Ultimately, it empowers communities, fosters equitable partnerships, and drives positive social change.

Our Framework for Community Engagement and Involvement was developed to establish a common understanding and agreed principles for involving communities, and to ensure this is a fundamental aspect of all of our projects, wherever applicable and feasible.

Community Voices in Health Governance

People with lived experience can provide important perspectives, insights, and ideas at all stages of research. Meaningful community engagement and involvement ensures that research questions are aligned with community needs, improves the relevance and usefulness of findings, and promotes a sense of ownership and understanding among community members. It increases the likelihood of research findings being used by policy makers, fosters equitable partnerships, and ultimately drives positive social change.

The research cycle

Examples of our community partnerships

The George Institute provides infrastructure and support for consumers, researchers and other staff members. We are committed to connecting with members of the community who share an interest in our research.