Submission to the Australian Government’s consultation on a Draft National Urban Policy

The George Institute welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Australian Government's Draft National Urban Policy. The Policy has the potential to present a coordinated vision for urban planning between the Australian Government and States and Territories, based on the policy's five goals.
As a medical research institute focused on creating healthier societies, we encourage the Australian Government to take a "health-in-all" policy approach to urban policy. In this submission, The George Institute has focused on three areas, that we believe, deserve more attention in the Draft Urban Policy: social housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; the impact of unhealthy food retailers on urban environments; and the health implications of widespread use of automated vehicles.
We welcome further engagement on these health-related issues of urban policy.
The George Institute recommends the National Urban Policy be expanded to include the following:
- The urgent need for increased social housing stock, and commitment to provide quality and appropriately located social housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- The impact that unhealthy food retailers have on the health of urban communities and consideration of land use planning tools to encourage healthy food environments.
- The health implications of widespread use of automated vehicles in urban areas, and consideration of government regulations to realise equitable health benefits.