Submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Food Security

The George Institute welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Food Security. In responding to the Terms of Reference, we will focus on research we have conducted, or been involved in, that focuses on the issues of food and water security. While our research is not specific to Victoria, we believe the issues raised, and evidence presented, are highly relevant to the Inquiry.
In this submission, we have focused on the powerful relationships that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have to food and food systems through connection to Country. We have drawn on a strengths-based approach to highlight the need for nutrition and food security reform, focused on the cultural determinants of health. We also highlight the work led by the Dharriwaa Elders Group in Walgett, NSW, to show the interconnectedness of water security and food security and priorities for successful community interventions to address these issues. Finally, we have presented our innovative research on "Food as Medicine" as an option to lower the cost of food and improve access to affordable nutritious food for those facing food insecurity.
The George Institute is also responding to the Australian Government's consultation on a National Strategy for Food Security in Remote First Nations Communities. We understand this Strategy will be a partnership with State and Territory governments and encourage the Committee to consider opportunities for this Inquiry to align with the National Strategy.
The George Institute recommends that the Legal and Social Issues Committee:
- Adopt a strengths-based approach to understand the issues of nutrition and food security for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, recognising the intrinsic connection to culture for health and wellbeing;
- Prioritise examples of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination and leadership in nutrition and health when considering evidence;
- Integrate water security as a component of food security throughout the Inquiry;
- Ensure that recommendations are made on addressing food and water insecurity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are community-led strategies , and focus on the social and cultural determinants of health, and;
- Consider an innovative role for the healthcare system to prescribe food as medicine, to lower the cost of food and improve access to affordable, nutritious food.