NARI: Multisectoral Nutrition intervention for Anemia Reduction Initiative in Tripura

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Anemia Reduction Initiative in Tripura


Anemia is a serious public health issue in India with one of the highest prevalence among women of reproductive age (18-49 years) globally. Despite the targeted and concerted efforts, anemia has shown an increasing trend over the past decade. Tripura, one among the Northeastern states of India, has the highest prevalence of WRA in the region at 67.2%. To address this crisis, our research aims to identify the contextual factors affecting anemia in different population groups in Tripura and implement multi-sectoral intervention to address anemia in women of reproductive age group.


  • Assess the contextual factors affecting anemia in women of reproductive age (18-49 years) of different population groups (tribal/non-tribal) in Tripura.
  • Co-develop and implement a multisectoral intervention to reduce anemia among women of reproductive age.

Research Methodology

A quasi-experimental study design with a mixed method approach is employed. The study will be conducted in four phases -- Formative; Intervention design; Intervention; Evaluation and dissemination.

For the formative study, a multistage clustered sampling design will be adopted in selected two districts (West and North Tripura). Blood samples (n=1600) will be collected and tested for prevalence and causes of anemia. The study will also assess knowledge, attitudes and practices on anemia, food environment at the household level and nutritional profile of the eligible woman in the household. Concurrently, qualitative research methods (focus group discussions, in-depth interviews and key informant interviews) shall be employed to supplement the findings.

Based on the findings of the formative research, the intervention will be designed and implemented which will address iron deficiency anemia (IDA) by focusing on nutrition, Iron Folic Acid (IFA) use and deworming. Finally, evaluation will be carried out and its findings will be disseminated with the stakeholders in state, district, and community.

Current Status

Formative phase ongoing


Preety R Rajbangshi
Women's health Health systems science

Preety R Rajbangshi

Senior Research Fellow, Global Women’s Health Programme, India
Suparna Ghosh-Jerath
Food policy

Dr Suparna Ghosh-Jerath

Program Head, Nutrition, The George Institute for Global Health, India

Related People

Aman Rastogi


Dr Susmita Chatterjee

Program Head - Health Economics

Dr Devarsetty Praveen

Global Strategic Priority Lead - Better Care & Director Primary Health Care

Dr Arpita Ghosh

Head Biostatistics and Data Science

External Investigator

Uma Vasudevan

Research Assistant


All India Institute for Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi


Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR)

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