Research priority setting as a tool for justice and fairness in climate and health knowledge ecosystem

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  • Australia
Climate health and ecosystem


Research priority setting (RPS) exercises are a collective activity, used to determine which research topics or questions should be prioritised. This process helps allocate resources effectively and ensures that research efforts address the most pressing and relevant issues. However currently RPS exercises are conceptualised as a tool to reach consensus on what research should be prioritised, but in a justice blind manner. 


We aim to bring a paradigm shift in how RPS is conceptualised and conducted by developing a conceptual framework to use RPS as a tool to enable justice and fairness in the climate and health knowledge ecosystem

Research Methodology

We will use a multitude of methods, in an iterative manner to allow for effective integration of methods from different knowledge systems. The methods we will use are in-depth interviews, yarning (an Indigenous methodology), nominal group technique meetings, and a systematic review of existing RPS on climate change and health with a justice and equity lens.


Dr Soumyadeep Bhaumik
Injury Health systems science

Dr Soumyadeep Bhaumik

Head, Meta-research and Evidence Synthesis Unit, Health Systems Science
Keziah Bennett-Brook, Program Head, Guunu-maana Program, The George Institute

Keziah Bennett-Brook

Program Head, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program


World Health Organization

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