Research projects

Our research projects are where innovation and theory meet real-world impact. Built within our key areas of research, every research project is designed to solve a specific challenge. From early detection and prevention to advancing care, these targeted initiatives drive local change on a global scale. Explore individual projects and learn how they’re shaping the future of health for communities where support is needed most.


Brain health

International Care Bundle Evaluation in Cerebral Hemorrhage Research (I-CATCHER)


Vehicle safety for older drivers and passengers

Food policy

Switching the world’s salt supply: Scaling up the use of potassium-enriched salt

Health systems science

Evaluating the impact, investment case and scale-up of ‘Health Promoting Schools’ in Fiji

Women's health

NARI: Multisectoral Nutrition intervention for Anemia Reduction Initiative in Tripura

Health systems science

Research on climate change and health in India: a priority setting exercise

Renal and metabolic

TESTING-ON: Therapeutic Evaluation of STeroids in IgA Nephropathy Global, Post-Trial ObservatioNal Cohort Study

Health equity Mental health Women's health

The SMARThealth Perinatal Mental Health (PRAMH) Study: Improving women’s perinatal mental health in rural communities in India

Guunu-maana Food policy

Food and Water for Life: working with indigenous communities to improve food and water security

Renal and metabolic

The RENAL LIFECYCLE Trial: Assessing the effect of dapagliflozin on patients with severe chronic kidney disease

Health systems science

COHESION-I: Implementation of the COmmunity HEalth System InnovatiON project in low- and middle-income countries

Brain health

INTErGenerational intervention to Reduce fraIlTY trial (INTEGRITY)

Mental health

Promoting mental health and wellbeing among transgender persons in Delhi NCR using a peer support approach: A mixed method study

Respiratory health

The Breathlessness Rapid Evaluation And THErapy study (BREATHE)

Food policy

Comprehensive workplace intervention for cancer prevention in China (WECAN)

Renal and metabolic

Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Outcomes in Fiji – A Fijian Kidney Replacement Therapy Registry

Women's health Health systems science

SMARThealth ChatGPT : Supporting community health workers to provide guideline-based maternal care in rural India

Brain health

Outcome PredicTion in IntraCerebral haemorrhage Study (OPTICS)

Women's health Health systems science

Understanding the effects of extreme heat in pregnancy, the HiP-India project

Brain health

RECALL-Pilot: REducing Cognitive decline and dementiA by Lowering bLood pressure Pilot


Developing a core list of action-oriented indicators for child unintentional injury prevention


Improving first response to childhood burns in Uganda


Alcohol and injuries study


SafeTrip Nepal