Blood Pressure

INTEnsive ambulance-delivered blood pressure Reduction in hyper-Acute stroke Trial (INTERACT4)

The high mortality and disability rates of stroke has brought a heavy burden of disease to the world.  The burden of stroke is particular high in China due to the large and high risk population, such that stroke is the leading cause of death in recent years. For acute stroke, which is a critical illness, the benefits of acute treatment are extremely time dependent.  It is vital that new interventional measures can be tested rigorously for widespread acceptance to improve outcome from stroke. 

Shortening the initial treatment time and improving access are important goals for patients with acute stroke. INTERACT4 is such a research project which is aimed at exploring the efficiency and safety of initiating hyper-early intensive blood pressure reduction treatment for patients with suspected acute stroke in the ambulance,.  The study will also assess the cost-effectiveness of this intervention over conventional management, with the hope of providing evidence for patients, health policy makers, clinicians and health care managers.