Roundtable on scaling up primary health care in India

The George Institute for Global Health India is hosting a roundtable discussion on opportunities and challenges for scaling up primary health care in India. The focus of discussion is to understand different models of primary health care, consolidate diverse experience in the delivery of primary care and identify associated gaps in knowledge and evidence.
Speakers and participants will include government officials, primary health care providers, academics, international agencies and civil society organisations.
In preparation for the roundtable, The George Institute has conducted an extensive review of the current literature on primary health care in the Asia Pacific, and used this to identify clear ‘gaps’ in the evidence base. At the roundtable discussion, participants will be invited to review and amend this ‘gap map’ to ensure it reflects the Indian context.
Outputs of the roundtable will include an India-specific case study on stakeholder perspectives of knowledge gaps in primary health care, and a clear and prioritised list of evidence needs. These findings will be incorporated into a publication and presentation at the Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, in the UK in October 2018.