Advocacy and Thought Leadership

The George Institute is focused on effective advocacy and thought leadership to improve health, aligned to our research goals.

We are engaging with key stakeholders, sharing insights and fostering discussions to stimulate debate, guide critical health policy decisions and facilitate evidence-based change.

By working with some of the world’s leading health voices we are amplifying our work in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and injury and improving systems for prevention and treatment.

Our activities


Prioritising Workforce for Comprehensive Primary Health Care

prioritising workforce CPHC

About the webinar

A multidisciplinary primary health care workforce is crucial for achieving comprehensive primary health care and ultimately universal health care. It is essential to build a health workforce that is adaptive and aligned with community health needs driven by rapid changes in demographics, epidemiology, economics, social, and political conditions.   

The webinar presents our findings from India, Mexico, and Uganda:  

  • How does the health workforce deliver comprehensive primary health care (CPHC) in the world's three most populated countries? 
  • What are the enablers, barriers, and potential solutions to strengthening the health workforce to deliver CPHC?

About the series

In the recent past, several countries have joined the clarion call to strengthen universal health coverage and access through the lens of CPHC. The series deliberates on the three critical aspects of CPHC – service delivery models, workforce management, and performance measurement and shares thought-provoking insights from the results of research studies in South Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America.


  • Dr Ileana Beatriz Heredia-Pi, National Institute of Public Health, Mexico

    Ileana currently works at the Centre for Health Systems Research, National Institute of Public Health, Mexico and member of the National System of Researchers (Level II) of the Science and Technology Council of Mexico. She is passionate about maternal and adolescent health care. She is deeply passionate about strengthening community health workforce. She brings on-board deep experience of working in the primary health care setting in Mexico.

    Ileana Beatriz Heredia-Pi
  • Dr Innocent Besigye, Makerere University, Uganda

    Innocent is a primary health care practitioner and researcher from Uganda. He is pursuing his PhD from the University of Makarere, Uganda. He also serves on the executive committee of Primafamed, the family medicine training network in Africa and is linked to the Besrour Forum. He is co-editor of the African Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care. He has deep interest and expertise in primary health care workforce related issues.

    Dr Innocent Besigye, Makerere University, Uganda
  • Dr Renu John, The George Institute for Global Health, India

    Renu is a Dentist by training with a Master's in Public Health Degree. As a Research Fellow at The George Institute, she has contributed and led several studies that explore and mitigate health systems gaps. She is immensely passionate about providing pragmatic solutions for challenges faced by the community health workers through the application of internet of things and digital health solutions. She brings on board deep insights from her field work in rural India.  

    Dr Renu John, The George Institute for Global Health, India
  • Dr Víctor Hugo Borja Aburto, Head of Primary Health Care and Medical Director of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, Mexico

    Victor is a Medical Doctor and Ph.D. in Epidemiology and Public Health Public. He has been Director of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the School of Public Health of Mexico, Director of the National Center for Environmental Health of the Ministry of Health, Coordinator of Epidemiological Surveillance, Head of Primary Health Care and Medical Director of the Mexican Social Security Institute.  He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico and of the National Council of Public Health. He has published 135 scientific articles and book chapters in national and international journals. He is currently involved in the transformation of the health care model in Mexico.

    Dr Víctor Hugo Borja Aburto, Head of Primary Health Care and Medical Director Mexican Institute
Taskforce on Women and NCDs

The George Institute for Global Health, India appointed Secretariat of the Taskforce on Women and NCDs

The George Institute for Global Health, India is delighted to announce that it has been appointed Secretariat of the Taskforce on Women and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). To mark this exciting chapter, a new Taskforce website launches today.

Founded in 2011, the Taskforce on Women and NCDs has been addressing the growing burden of NCDs on women by providing a platform for collaboration and engagement while developing relevant resources and advocacy positions. It brings together leading global health organisations from the women’s health and NCD communities to improve women’s health by expanding programs to meet women’s needs across the lifecycle

“The Taskforce invites organisations with a vested interested in addressing NCDs in women to join us.  Our collective efforts serve to make us stronger and help advance the SDGs and making women a central driver.”

- Diana Vaca McGhie, Global Advocacy Director at the American Heart Association, and Co-Chair of the Taskforce

A number of emerging health challenges are transforming the landscape of women's health needs across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Changing demographics, lifestyles, globalisation, and urbanisation are contributing to the rapid rise in NCDs such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory disease.

“Global efforts to improve the health of women and girls, in the last few decades have largely focused on reducing maternal mortality and morbidity, while in recent years, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in women have emerged as major global health challenge that hinders their human right to live healthily and reach their highest economic and social potential.  I am delighted that through our hosting of the Secretariat of this Taskforce, we have an opportunity to play a central role in co-ordinating actions to reduce the impact of NCDs on women.”

- Robyn Norton, co-founder & Principal Director of The George Institute for Global Health

Globally, these changes have adversely affected all women, but those living in LMICs are at a greater risk owing to compounding socio-economic inequity: NCDs are estimated to account for the majority of all female deaths in these regions due to persistent social, gender and economic inequalities as well as general pervasive inequalities in access to health information, appropriate care, and life-saving technologies.

“Two of every three deaths among women worldwide are caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs) – principally heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases. Unfortunately, the global health agenda has largely overlooked both the burden of NCDs among girls and women and the unique risks and challenges they face in accessing appropriate healthcare. The Taskforce on Women and NCDs seeks to challenge this bias and advocate for better integration of women and their needs in NCD policies and programmes around the world.”

- Kelcey Armstrong - Walenczak, Policy and Advocacy Manager at the World Heart Federation and Co-Chair of the Taskforce

The Secretariat will act as the focal point of the Taskforce and help coordinate the activities undertaken by members to promote education, advocacy, evidence-based policy, and interventions that protect women's health and well-being.

“We at The George Institute for Global Health are honoured to serve as the Taskforce Secretariat and look forward to supporting and contributing to this collaborative effort to address the unique burden of non-communicable diseases on women. The objectives of this Taskforce are aligned perfectly with The George Institute’s Global Women’s Health Program, which focuses on the health and well-being of women throughout their lives.”

- Professor Vivekanand Jha, Executive Director, The George Institute for Global Health, India

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Covid-19 restrictions may have exacerbated India's TB problems: study by The George Institute, India

Findings show up to 7% TB patients stopped taking TB medicines during lockdown

A new study by the researchers at The George Institute for Global Health India examines the possible adverse impact of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions on India's Tuberculosis (TB) control programme. 

The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in hardships for people belonging to the poorer sections of society, but there had been little research into how it may have affected a particularly vulnerable group, such as those with TB, who require long term treatment.

This study is the first to show evidence of the negative impact of the Covid-19 nationwide lockdown on the income and health services utilisation of TB patients in India.

These findings were part of an ongoing cohort study aimed at examining the economic burden on TB patients in India by Dr Susmita Chatterjee, Senior Health Economist, The George Institute for Global Health, India; Palash Das, Research Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health, India; and Dr Anna Vassall, Professor of Health Economist, Department of Global Health and Development, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Researchers noticed that patients reported difficulties in collecting TB drugs from public health facilities, with 4-7% of patients compelled to discontinue their medicines during the nationwide lockdown.

“Patients were finding it difficult to continue TB treatment because the government health facilities were focused on the pandemic and also, they could not travel due to travel restrictions.,” – said Palash Das, Research Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health, India  

Findings of the study

The researchers examined the impact of nationwide lockdown on income and health service utilisation pattern on 291 patients with TB, including those from tea garden areas – a high risk group as defined in the national strategic plan for eliminating TB in India, 2017-2025. The findings reveal that more than half of households with a TB patient in the general population group and about a quarter of households with TB patients in high-risk group (in this case, tea garden workers) had no income during the complete ‘lockdown’ period.

“Many recruited patients belong to extremely low-income groups working as daily wage earners, contractual workers, etc. There is a clear need for their protection during such restrictions through measures such as paid sick leave, additional food support, etc.” – Dr. Susmita Chatterjee, Senior Health Economist, The George Institute for Global Health, India

What it means for the TB control programme in India

India has the largest number of TB patients in the world. According to the ‘India TB Report’ (published by the Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India), about 2.64 million Indians had TB in 2019, with approximately 450,000 deaths. The Indian National TB control program aims to make the nation TB free by 2025, five years ahead of the Sustainable Development Goal target. These findings suggest that the Covid-19 pandemic may have an impact on the ongoing efforts to control TB in India.


The research paper was published in BMC Infectious Diseases. The full paper can be accessed here.

DOI - 


Improving heart outcomes in dialysis patients

ACHIEVE - Aldosterone bloCkade for Health Improvement EValuation in End-stage renal disease

About this study

Individuals receiving dialysis are at risk of heart failure and heart-related death. There is an urgent need for treatments that reduce the risk of these problems in patients that require dialysis.

Spironolactone is a medication used to prevent heart failure and related deaths in patients that do not require dialysis. It works by blocking a hormone (aldosterone) in your body that causes high blood pressure and can damage the heart. Although spironolactone is very effective in patients that do not require dialysis, we do not know if spironolactone is effective in dialysis patients. Our research will help determine if spironolactone reduces heart failure and heart related deaths in dialysis patients.

Recruitment criteria


  • Age
    • ≥45 years or
    • ≥18 with a history of diabetes
  • On dialysis ≥ 90 days
    • On either
      • Haemodialysis prescribed at least 2 treatments per week or
      • Peritoneal dialysis prescribed with at least 1 exchange daily
  • Provides informed consent

What’s involved?

  • This trial plans to recruit over 1,000 eligible patients across Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and China.
  • Participants will be randomly allocated to either take 25mg of spironolactone or identical placebo tablets.
  • Participants will be followed up on a six-monthly basis through face-to-face/telephone interviews or mail-based/electronic questionnaires.

How do we move from selective to comprehensive primary health care in low and middle income countries: reflections of an expert panel

Continuing its advocacy efforts for robust primary health care (PHC) and evidence based PHC. The Primary Health Care Research Consortium, supported by the PHCPI Micro-Grant for Advocacy, launched its webinar series called ‘Making comprehensive primary health Care a reality in LMICs’ on 23rd August 2022.

NCD Alliance primary care image

Primary care investment: key to preventing financial catastrophe from NCDs

Catastrophic health expenditure has been found to occur in more than 60% of patient populations with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Asia, and according to The George Institute for Global Health’s breakthrough ACTION study on improving cancer care in Southeast Asia, this number may be much higher. The study followed 9,514 cancer patients across 47 sites in eight countries. It revealed that 75% of them had died or suffered financial catastrophe because their medical costs exceeded 30% of their annual household income. Even more devastating, diagnosis at a more advanced cancer stage led to patients being five times more likely to die within 12 months.

These deaths could have been averted through adequate investment in Primary Health Care (PHC), cancer care and cancer screening. People living with or at risk of developing an NCD, require long-term care that is proactive, patient-centred, integrated, community-based, and sustainable. The Astana Declaration (2018) and the Alma-Ata Declaration (1978) both acknowledge that focusing on PHC is essential to ensure that everyone, everywhere can enjoy the highest possible attainable standard of health. PHC also offers the best opportunity to identify high-risk individuals who might be using medical services for unrelated health problems, simply because it is the easiest point of entry into the health system. 

Sadly, despite the above-mentioned political commitments, PHC - especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) - remains hugely underfinanced, with governments spending on average only US$3 per person per year. Thus, patient out-of-pocket expenses continue to be catastrophic, i.e., more than 30 percent of household income. This impedes progress towards UHC, serves as a barrier to health-seeking behaviour, delays access and the start of treatment, and often leads to non-compliance or premature discontinuance of treatment. 

A global call for better investment in PHC

Thus, as noted in the Lancet, the challenge and call to action is that: “All countries need to both invest more and invest better in PHC, by re-designing their health financing arrangements, mobilising additional pooled public funding, unlocking new resource streams, allocating and protecting sufficient, sustainable funds for PHC, and incentivising providers to maintain the health of the populations they serve—in ways that place people at the centre and address inequities first.”

NCDs are responsible for 41 million deaths annually, accounting for 74% of all fatalities worldwide. The annual deaths from NCDs are projected to escalate to 52 million by 2030, hitting LMICs the hardest, with NCDs causing 85% of preventable deaths, for those between the ages of 30-70.

Getting NCDs under control and achieving SDG target 3.4 will take investment in NCD prevention and care. But it is a worthwhile investment, with a return on investment of 19 to one, as demonstrated in a 2022 paper published in the Lancet. The paper provides hard evidence and actionable data that could help shape government interventions to effectively protect citizens from the financial toxicity associated with treatment and care for NCDs and enable their health systems and economies to remain robust, responsive, and resilient in the wake of health emergencies and economic instability.

39 million lives could be saved between 2023 and 2030 if Ministries of Health would allocate just 20% of their budgets to high-priority NCDs. The time for inaction is past - we must start investing more in NCDs, to protect people, health systems, economies, and our shared futures.

A success story from Southeast Asia

The good news is that some countries have started to turn the tide on NCDs, by leveraging the evidence supporting investment. For the past eight years, the ACTION study has helped improve cancer care policy and priorities across Asia.

As a case in point, in 2018, during a debate in the Philippines Senate, Senator Sonny Angara, co-sponsor of the National Integrated Cancer Control Act (NICCA), drew on the findings of the ACTION study to highlight the urgency of immediately passing the bill into law. This was a key factor leading to the quick and successful passage of the NICCA, within the year. 

The NICCA is widely seen as a significant first step in the transformation of cancer care across all levels of the Philippine health system. Recognizing that cancer is  one of the leading causes of death in the Philippines, the NICCA envisions mainstreaming an integrated and comprehensive approach to cancer control and care, which includes the strengthening of integrative, multidisciplinary, patient and family-centred policies, programs, systems, interventions and services, at all levels of the existing health care delivery system.

NICCA also intends to lessen the financial toxicity associated with cancer treatment and care, thus reducing the burden and emotional distress of patients and their families. The goal is to increase cancer survivorship by increasing investments and scaling up essential programs and services for robust prevention of cancer, better screening, prompt and accurate diagnosis, timely and optimal treatment, responsive palliative care and pain management, effective survivorship follow-up care and late effects management and rehabilitation. Through the NICCA, better care, more cures, and brighter futures are envisioned for cancer patients and survivors.


This blog was first published by the NCD Alliance and is reproduced here with their kind permission.

About the authors

Claudia Selin Batz (BSc MPH) is an emerging public health professional with 4 years of experience in communications, advocacy, and policy. She is a Policy and Advocacy Advisor at The George Institute (TGI) for Global Health, working on a programme of policy, stakeholder engagement and thought leadership to increase the impact of the institute’s research.

Carmen Auste is the mother of a teen brain cancer survivor and co-founder of Cancer Warriors Foundation, Philippines. Cancer Warriors is a founding member of Cancer Coalition Philippines which spearheaded the passage of the NICCA Law. It is a key member of Healthy Philippines Alliance; a member of Global NCD Alliance. Carmen is the country representative of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and Childhood Cancer International. She is a member of the National Integrated Cancer Council of the Philippines and serves in a number of high level advisory councils and technical working groups on diverse health and health related topics.