Submission to the TGA on proposed reforms to regulation of vapes
The George Institute for Global Health is pleased to contribute a written submission to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) on the consultation for Proposed Reforms to the Regulation of Nicotine Vaping Products (NVPs).
The George Institute strongly supports a comprehensive approach to tobacco and nicotine control in Australia.
“Australia has a great legacy of reducing tobacco-related harm over the last several decades. This has been achieved through proactive, evidence-based policies including taxation, regulation of advertising and packaging, and enforcing smoke-free spaces” said Professor Simone Pettigrew, Program Director, Health Promotion and Behaviour Change at The George Institute.
“Sadly, despite this success, there has been a proliferation of vaping devices, which are largely imported illegally. It is crucial that these products are strictly regulated, and their availability controlled.
“Our latest research shows many young people are susceptible to vaping due to ease of availability and the wide range of youth-friendly flavours.”
The George Institute joins our public health and consumer colleagues in recommending:
- The control of illegally imported NVPs to be of upmost priority
- NVPs should be used as a smoking cessation tool only under medical supervision
- Minimum safety standards for NVPs should be set according to scientific evidence of harms, and these safety standards should be monitored and enforced (with the TGA not providing pre-market assessment)
- Non-nicotine e-cigarettes to be banned
- Regulatory frameworks to be clear and streamlined to aid enforcement and avoid loopholes