Dr Patricia Cullen


Honorary Fellow

B Soc Sc (Psychology) Hons PhD

Patricia is a NHMRC Early Career Fellow in the School of Public Health at UNSW where she co-leads the Child and Adolescent Health theme. She is also an Honorary Research Fellow at The George Institute for Global Health and at Ngarruwan Ngadju First Peoples Health and Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Wollongong.

Patricia is collaborating across two NHMRC Centres of Research Excellence in Adolescent Health to improve health pathways for young people. She is also working with key community partners to co-design innovative care-coordination programs that work with and improve the lives of women, young people and families impacted by injury, violence and trauma. Much of this research is interdisciplinary and centers on de-pathologising how we view trauma, advancing our understanding of the social and structural determinants and integrating trauma-informed responses across sectors.

As an advocate for preventing family and intimate partner homicide, Patricia has led reviews of homicide cases in Australia to understand trajectories and strengthen responses. Committed to research translation she has co-authored government and NGO commissioned reports and shared her research in media and social journalism. Her research on driver licensing policy and programs has been influential and saw her awarded the 2017 Research Action Award from the Sax Institute in recognition of research that demonstrates real-world impact.

Current projects involved in:

  • First response: Integrating trauma-informed care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experiencing violence
  • Preventing Family and Intimate Partner Homicide in NSW
  • DRIVE Relinkage: Where are they now?
  • Next Generation
  • Walgett Child Injury Prevention Project
  • Driving Change Licensing Support Program
  • Persistent Pain and Intimate Partner Violence