Consumer Navigation of Electronic Cardiovascular Tools (CONNECT) study
The aim of the Consumer Navigation of Electronic Cardiovascular Tools (CONNECT) study is to develop a multi-faceted, consumer-focussed e-health strategy to assist people to lower their risks of a cardiovascular disease (CVD) event and assess whether a consumer focussed e-health strategy provided to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous people at moderate to high risk of a CVD event will improve risk factor control when compared with usual health care; and to test the acceptability, equity and cost-effectiveness of such a strategy.
The CONNECT study is a randomised controlled trial that has finished recruiting. 934 regular health service attendees who are at moderate to high CVD risk were recruited from 24 primary care settings in Australia. Participant follow ups are currently underway.
We will evaluate the clinical effectiveness, acceptability, equity and cost-effectiveness of this intervention in a pragmatic, large scale study in general practices and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services.
More information
Protocol for process evaluation
World Health Organisation: The top 10 causes of death. 2004 October 2008; Fact sheet N°310.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Australia’s Health 2016