Reducing salt intake using food policy interventions
The aim of this Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) is to identify better ways of achieveing salt reduction in a range of different national and international settings.
Excess salt consumption has been linked to almost 2 million deaths per year nationally. Australia has signed up to the 30% reduction in population salt intake recommended by the World Health Organisation. However, the best strategies required to achieve this goal remain unclear, and effective delivery of research findings to those most in need has been very difficult to achieve.
This pioneering CRE will deliver evidence that can be used to drive global policy change and industry action on the excess salt consumption, and the implementation of real-world interventions to tackle this priority health issue.
As part of the first CRE at The George Institute, the team led by Professor Neal includes well-established leaders in food policy research as well as dedicated young researchers who will further develop their skills and training. Their work will deliver high-impact findings and measurable reductions in the salt intake of millions of Australians, preventing tens of thousands of deaths and contributing to global health policy and action on excess salt consumption.