Saline vs Albumin Fluid Evaluation Extrapolation to Paediatric Intensive Care (SAFE-EPIC)

SAFE-EPIC is the first study to assess worldwide fluid resuscitation practices in children in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the era after the 'Saline Albumin Fluid Evaluation' (SAFE) trial and it describes and evaluates patient, unit and geographical factors that influence fluid resuscitation practices. Furthermore, SAFE-EPIC has established an international network for future collaborative research in paediatric intensive care and improves the feasibility of adequately powered future interventional studies in critically ill infants and children.

A point prevalence study was conducted (inception cohort study design including 28-day outcome data) on two separate days in summer and winter on 2012. Representation was sought from ICUs in multiple regions and countries around the world. Cross-sectional data collection was obtained according to a streamlined electronic case report form (eCRF) and data was entered via a secure password-protected encrypted website (RedCAP).


The SAFE-EPIC study aims to:

  • Document current practice and prevalence of fluid resuscitation in paediatric (0 - 16 years old) patients in intensive care
  • Describe regional and national variations in choice of resuscitation fluids
  • Determine identifiable unit characteristics that influence choice of resuscitation fluids
  • Determine identifiable patient characteristics that influence choice of resuscitation fluids
  • Establish an international network for future collaborative research in paediatric shock research


Study days took place on the 4th December 2012 and 2nd July 2013. Data collection and cleaning have been completed and the data are currently being analysed in preparation for publication.