
The George Institute calls for urgent, triple-win actions on climate, health and equity to pull humanity back from the brink

As world leaders gather for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) on October 31st, The George Institute for Global Health is calling on governments and stakeholders around the world to pull humanity back from the brink by implementing urgently needed, triple-win actions to protect the planet, while promoting health and equity.

UN Secretary General António Guterres called the 2021 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report a “code red for humanity”. The report showed just how close to the brink we are – without immediate and ambitious action, global temperature increases as a result of human-induced climate change will exceed 1.5C above pre-industrial levels by 2030. In this new reality, the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), already the biggest killer of people globally, will continue to grow. Rates of injury, cardiovascular and kidney diseases, respiratory illness and premature mortality will rise along with temperatures. Communities experiencing marginalisation as a result of deep-seated inequalities – growing wider as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic – will be impacted the worst, and decades of hard-won progress on health, development and human rights will be undermined.

Faced with the greatest health and humanitarian crisis the world has seen, all of us must step up. At The George Institute, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. A sustainability audit is underway to identify strategies that can accelerate our decarbonisation efforts and could be rolled out across the Institute in future.

We are committed to sharing what we learn, including with other health and medical research stakeholders, who may benefit from the insights we gain. We are committed to growing our Planetary Health programme, which is exploring the intersections of climate change, human health and equity. And we are committed to ensuring that the Traditional Knowledges of First Nations and Tribal peoples, and the voices of other communities experiencing marginalisation, are at the heart of our work.

Based on the latest evidence, The George Institute is calling for governments and other stakeholders to take urgent actions that will have benefits for both planetary and human health, while addressing the growing inequities within and between countries, and between generations.

We call on Governments to:

  • Establish a just, fair, and rapid transition to renewable energy that fulfils renewed and ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions that achieve the 1.5C target.
  • Phase out the use, import and export of fossil fuels and immediately end public financing of, and subsidies for, the fossil fuel industry.
  • In high-income countries, deliver on commitments to mobilise US$100 billion a year in climate financing.
  • Ensure decarbonisation strategies are implemented immediately and engage with communities most affected and at risk of climate change to ensure self-determined priorities and solutions.
  • Ensure decarbonisation strategies are informed by First Nations, Indigenous and Tribal peoples’ Knowledges to ensure self-determined priorities and solutions.
  • Build resilient, climate-ready health systems that can respond to extreme weather events and the increasing, climate-related disease burden, including mental health, with a particular focus on serving communities at greater risk.
  • Embed climate change into all existing and future health-related policy to recognise the impacts of global heating on human health and equity outcomes.
  • Fund research into the health and equity implications of rising global temperatures under a future scenarios framework.
  • Work with communities to establish national dietary guidelines that address environmental sustainability and recognise cultural diversity.
  • Adopt a range of regulatory and fiscal measures that aim to reduce ultra-processed foods in the food system and ensure access to healthy, sustainable and affordable diets, rich in plant-based foods, using an equity lens.
  • Invest in and promote public transport as an alternative to private vehicles, implement national policies that prioritise walking and cycling, and encourage planning of liveable urban spaces, with a focus on communities experiencing marginalisation.
  • Prioritise other dual-benefit mitigation and adaptation strategies that protect the planet, prevent disease and injury (including non-communicable conditions) and promote equity.

We call on health service providers and sector leaders to:

  • Decarbonise the health sector by 2030, in recognition of the role the sector plays in exacerbating inequitable, climate-related health outcomes.
  • Embed a sustainable development approach in health systems that considers health and equity outcomes in response to climate change.

We call on multinational corporations to:

  • Reduce high-emission, unhealthy food options and agricultural practices.
  • Rapidly transition away from food processing practices that damage the environment and undermine human health and re-formulate processed food to reduce harmful fats, sugars and salt.
  • Implement front-of-pack labelling on packaged foods that carries accessible information about both the nutritional quality and environmental impact of the product.
  • Develop innovative packaging and processing techniques for nutritious foods to reduce nutrient losses, remove anti-nutrients, prevent contamination and reduce food losses.*
  • Develop new processed products that extend the shelf life of nutritious foods, make them more convenient for consumers to prepare, and reduce food and nutrient losses.*

We call on researchers/academic institutes to:

* Adapted from Hawkes, C., Walton, S., Haddad, L., Fanzo, J. (2020) 42 policies and actions to orient food systems towards healthier diets for all. London: Centre for Food Policy, City, University of London.

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INJURY PREVENTION SESSIONS Developing Better Care for Older Hip Fracture Patients in China

Hip Fracture image

The fourth session in the 'Injury Prevention Sessions', co-hosted by UNSW School of Population Health, Sydney and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Injury Prevention and Trauma Care at The George Institute for Global Health focused on developing better care for older hip fracture patients in China. 

The recording is available here: 


Hip fracture is a major emerging public health issue in China due to changing demographics and an ageing population. There are well-established clinical guidelines and pathways used effectively in high-income settings but uptake of these is low in China. Over the past decade, we have conducted a series of research studies on hip fracture in China, aiming to identify the evidence and practice gap, implement and evaluate guideline-based interventions, understand the factors associated with the uptake of the best practice, and further to establish the national hip fracture registry and develop Chinese hip fracture guidelines. In this seminar, Maoyi Tian presents all prior and current work in hip fracture in China, as a joint collaboration between Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, The George Institute for Global Health, and the UNSW School of Population Health.

The 'Injury Prevention Sessions' are action-focused conversations about how we learn from local solutions to address the global problem of injury. From practitioners to researchers to students, this informal forum brings together like-minded individuals to explore innovative injury prevention research methodologies and opportunities to work together to save lives globally. This webinar series is co-hosted by UNSW School of Population Health and the WHO Collaborating Centre on Injury Prevention and Trauma Care at The George Institute for Global Health.


  • Professor Maoyi Tian

    Maoyi Tian is a Professor at the School of Public Health at Harbin Medical University in China. He is also an Honorary Senior Fellow at The George Institute for Global Health, and a Conjoint Senior Lecturer in Faculty of Medicine and Health at UNSW Sydney. He received his Bachelor of Electronic Engineering from University of York, UK and his MSc of Biomedical Engineering from University of Oxford, UK. He graduated with his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from UNSW Sydney, Australia. He was also awarded an MPhil in Public Health from The University of Sydney. His main research focus is using digital health and health technology to strengthen primary health care system, for non-communicable diseases and injury management and prevention. In addition to that, he also has a research interest in population-based dietary interventions and healthy ageing.

    Maoyi Tian

New five-country study reveals wide variation in salt content across processed fish and meat products, offering opportunities to reduce salt

Media release

A new study of processed meats and fish products in five countries showed great variations in salt content, potentially signalling opportunities for countries and their consumers, manufacturers and policy makers to reduce excessive salt, meet World Health Organization (WHO) targets and improve people’s health.


George Institute researchers among recipients of Heart Foundation grants

Two George Institute researchers have been named as recipients of the Heart Foundation’s latest round of grants.

Dr Amanda Wang has been awarded a 2021 Vanguard Grant of $150,000 over two years for a pilot study on the benefits of a type of glucose lowering medication in patients with acute kidney injury. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in hospital care and rates are increasing. It is also common in patients with diabetes, especially in diabetic kidney disease where almost a third of patients have AKI. Dapagliflozin – from a class of newer glucose lowering agents called SGLT2 inhibitors – is known to have cardiovascular and renal benefits in patients with chronic kidney disease but its effects in AKI are not known.

Dr Wang, a senior research fellow at The George Institute and specialist nephrologist at Concord Hospital, will conduct a pilot study to look at the effect of dapagliflozin on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes who have recovered from AKI. It is hoped that this pilot study will pave the way to establishing a large scale randomised controlled trial.

Dr Sonali Gnanenthiran has been awarded a 2021 Postdoctoral Fellowship of $150,000 over two years to evaluate new uses for old medicines or new combinations of medicines in patients with cardiovascular disease. New medicines typically cost hundreds of millions of dollars and take over a decade to develop. Repurposing already approved medicines has the potential to rapidly provide safe, effective and affordable therapies.

Dr Gnanenthiran, a research fellow at The George Institute and practising cardiologist, will conduct a series of studies to assess the benefits of this approach in treating and preventing cardiovascular events. This project encompasses several studies ranging from basic science to clinical trials including: (i) assessing an anti-inflammatory drug as a new blood thinner in elderly people; (ii) leading an international collaboration to assess a blood pressure lowering medicine to improve outcomes in patients with COVID-19, and (iii) developing new polypills to treat heart disease.

Repurposing commonly used drugs has potential to help both clinicians by rapidly translating research into best practice and policy, and people at high risk by supporting priority research in these groups.


#GeorgeTalks on ‘Transforming Food Systems: Effective policies to build a sustainable future’


To mark this year’s World Food Day, The George Institute for Global Health invites you to a #GeorgeTalks webinar on ‘Transforming Food Systems: Effective policies to build a sustainable future’ on Wednesday 20 October at 6:00pm (AEDT) / 12:30pm (IST) / 8:00am (BST).

#WorldFoodDay 2021 will be marked as countries around the world deal with the widespread impacts of the global Covid-19 pandemic, accelerating climate crisis and worsening inequalities. It's time to look into the future we need to build together.

Join us to hear from three leading experts at the forefront of food systems thinking, who will swap thoughts and ideas on strategic policies and practices that can increase equity and resilience in Australia, India, the UK and beyond.

The webinar concludes with a Q&A session during which the audience can engage with the speakers.


  • Professor Corinna Hawkes

    Professor Corinna Hawkes is Director of the Centre for Food Policy at City, University of London, UK, a Centre dedicated to shaping an effective food system through education, research and policy engagement.  She has worked for 20 years with UN agencies, governments, universities and NGOs at the city, national and international level to support the design of more effective policies to improve diets and prevent malnutrition, obesity and non-communicable diseases throughout the food system. She has worked at the World Health Organization, the International Food Policy Research Institute, the University of Sao Paulo and World Cancer Research Fund International, where she established the NOURISHING Framework which tracks policies to promote healthy eating worldwide.  Corinna is also Vice Chair of London’s Child Obesity Taskforce and a Distinguished Fellow at the George Institute for Global Health. She blogs at

    Corinna Hawkes
  • Associate Professor Alana Mann

    Alana Mann is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Food Research Lead in the Sydney Environment Institute at the University of Sydney. In her work she foregrounds the role of communication in food systems transformations. She applies an interdisciplinary approach in her international research on the food sovereignty movement and digital food activism, and leads the FoodLab Sydney (ARC Linkage) food business incubator project in partnership with the City of Sydney. Her latest book Food in a Changing Climate (2021) presents a political agenda focused on the critical intersection of food security, global warming and public health.

  • Dr Purnima Menon

    Purnima Menon is a senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute, and is based in New Delhi, India. She is the theme leader for South Asia Nutrition Programs in IFPRI’s Poverty, Health, and Nutrition Division. In her work in India, Dr. Menon directs POSHAN (Partnerships and Opportunities to Strengthen and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition in India), an initiative to support more use of evidence for nutrition in India. She conducts implementation research on scaling up maternal and child nutrition interventions, including on evaluating large-scale behavior change communications programs in nutrition and health. Dr. Menon has research experience in India, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Haiti, Viet Nam and Nepal, has published extensively, and invests deeply in research translation in her engagements with policy communities.

