George Institute welcomes alcohol labelling decision but notes a missed opportunity for Health Stars

George Institute welcomes alcohol labelling decision but notes a missed opportunity for Health Stars

The George Institute for Global Health welcomes the decision by Ministers of the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministers Forum to improve alcohol labelling but fears the lost opportunity to optimise the health benefits of the Health Star Rating system.

Ministers voted to implement a mandatory tri-coloured pregnancy warning label on alcoholic beverages – an essential public health measure to reduce the incidence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in the community.

Professor Simone Pettigrew, Head of the Food Policy Division at The George Institute and Board Director of the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education said: “This decision reflects the efforts of a generation of public health advocates and experts who have tirelessly campaigned for evidence-based public health policy.

“We are thrilled that Forum Ministers have voted on the side of the community to make this label mandatory – it’s a decision that will have meaningful and lasting impact.”

Forum Ministers also voted on final recommendations emerging from the government’s Five Year Review into the Health Star Rating front-of-pack nutrition label. The George Institute has been a supporter of the Health Star Rating since its introduction in 2014. Research from The George Institute suggests the system works well overall, while also highlighting areas where it must be strengthened to improve public health impact.

Dr Alexandra Jones, Research Fellow in Food Policy at The George Institute and public health lawyer said: “It’s disappointing to see that changes to the Health Star Rating algorithm remain modest, and favour industry interests over addressing consumer concerns that products high in sugar and salt score too highly.

“Today’s decision is a missed opportunity to improve alignment with existing Australian Dietary Guidelines. While it is promising that an update to the Guidelines has been announced, this process should not replace action now to address the known risks associated with excess sugar and salt in the diet.”

Ministers confirmed a decision to allow Health Stars to remain voluntary, with industry to work toward a target of 70% uptake by 2025. Dr Jones said: “It’s pleasing to see clear targets set, but even if reached this means consumers will still miss the benefit of Stars on a third of products after 10 years.

“Over the same period of time that Health Stars have been appearing on products, Australian manufacturers have implemented new requirements for mandatory Country of Origin Labelling. If we’re willing to use regulation to provide consumers more information about where their food comes from, we should be willing to do the same to provide more information about how healthy their food is too.”

The George Institute was pleased to see Forum Ministers have confirmed some other important improvements to Health Stars. These include removing the ‘energy icon only’ option of the label, closing the ‘as prepared’ loophole, and reforming Health Stars governance to improve transparency and government leadership in the next phase of implementation.

The George Institute recognises that front-of-pack nutrition labelling is recommended by the World Health Organization as an important tool to promote healthier diets. The George Institute will continue to support food labelling reform to improve consumers’ ability to identify and avoid unhealthy foods.


Virtual Consultation 3: Creating an enabling environment for a sustainable telehealth ecosystem


The George Institute for Global Health, India is organizing a series of virtual policy consultations on telehealth & virtual care for patients with chronic conditions. These consultations will bring together experts representing key stakeholders across the entire ecosystem to discuss unmet needs, user expectations, identify barriers and enablers towards a sustainable telehealth ecosystem.

We aim to develop a policy brief on Safe, Effective & Comprehensive Use of Telemedicine with a focus on chronic conditions to support the implementation and scale up of telemedicine in India and other low- and middle-income country settings.

The third virtual consultation is on Creating an enabling environment for a sustainable telehealth ecosystem.

The experts will discuss:

  • Building blocks of a telehealth ecosystem – future directions
  • Digital Health Infrastructure and Interoperability for continuum of care
  • Certification and Accreditation for telemedicine, telehealth and virtual care


  • Prof Nikhil Tandon, Professor of Endocrinology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
  • Mark Landry, Regional Advisor, WHO South East Asia Regional Office
  • Dr Atul M Kochhar, CEO, National Accredited Board for Hospitals and Healthcare
  • Dr Louise Schaper, CEO, Australasian Institute of Digital Health 
  • Dr Sita Rama Budaraju, Senior Consultant- Health, Tata Trusts


  • Dr Shenoy Robinson: Healthcare Industry thought leader, Chairperson CII Technical Committee on Health
  • Dr Oommen John: Senior Research Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health, India

As the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted delivery of routine healthcare delivery services, the Board of Governors (BoG) of the Medical Council of India (MCI) released of Telemedicine Practice guidelines. The challenges posed by the pandemic and unmet need of health services delivery due to the lock down has generated unprecedented interest in the practice of telemedicine in India.

While telemedicine is an excellent and powerful tool for healthcare providers & hospitals to extend care, there are several challenges and opportunities for its sustainability and scale up. Telemedicine and Telehealth need to be comprehensive, safe, practiced ethically and in the best interest of the patient. The policy brief aims to address these critical aspects to create an enabling environment to leverage telehealth as an enabler for strengthening health services delivery and support universal health coverage in India and other low- and middle-income countries.


A virtual conversation with Professor Christine Jenkins

Professor Christine Jenkins George Talks

You are invited to a virtual #GeorgeTalks with Professor Christine Jenkins to discuss "2020 bush-fires and COVID-19: what does it mean for our respiratory system?".

Professor Jenkins is the Head of the Respiratory Group at The George Institute, and will be in conversation with Professor Bruce Neal, Executive Director of The George Institute in Australia.


  • Professor Christine Jenkins

    Christine Jenkins is Head of the Respiratory Group at The George Institute for Global Health; Senior Staff Specialist in Thoracic Medicine at Concord Hospital, Sydney; Clinical Professor and Head of Respiratory Discipline at University of Sydney; and Professor of Respiratory Medicine at UNSW Sydney. Christine has been Principal Investigator and has led many investigator-initiated and competitively funded clinical trials in airways disease. She has had major roles in advocacy and leadership for lung health in Australia, chairing the National Asthma Campaign, the Federal Government’s National Asthma Advisory Group and many local and international guidelines and implementation initiatives to enhance resources, skills, capacity and clinical outcomes in airways disease. She was president of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand from 2007 - 2009. Christine is an active clinician, and teaches and supervises medical students, advanced trainees and post graduate students.

    Professor Christine Jenkins
  • Professor Bruce Neal

    Professor Bruce Neal is Executive Director at The George Institute for Global Health Australia and Professor of Medicine, UNSW Sydney. Professor Neal is a UK-trained physician who has 20 years research experience in the clinical, epidemiological, and public health fields with a focus on heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Professor Neal has a longstanding interest in the environmental determinants of high blood pressure and the potential for changes in the food supply to deliver health gains. His work has been characterised by its focus on collaboration, quantitation, translation and impact. He holds professorial appointments at UNSW Sydney, Imperial College London, Flinders University in South Australia, an honorary appointment at the University of Sydney.

    Prof Bruce Neal