WHO Collaborating Centre on Injury Prevention and Trauma Care
Since 2016, the George Institute for Global Health has been the WHO Collaborating Centre on Injury Prevention and Trauma Care, co-directed by Rebecca Ivers and Margie Peden. As a Collaborating Centre, we work:
1. In collaboration with WHO to generate evidence for universal injury prevention interventions and how these can be implemented most effectively
- Conducting implementation research on road traffic injury prevention in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)
- Supporting WHO in pilot testing community-based rehab programmes for burns in LMICs
- Conducting evaluation research on drowning prevention in LMICs
2. To support WHO in the delivery and dissemination of communication & advocacy materials for injury prevention & Emergency Trauma Care (ETC)
- Producing a falls prevention package
- Identifying health facilities that could take part in the Global Burns Registry and promote same
- Promoting uptake and utilization of WHO Drowning Prevention implementation guide in at least 2 countries
3. To assist WHO in the development and implementation of WHO ETC initiatives
- Assisting with the development, review & dissemination of metrics to evaluate emergency care systems
- Assisting in the development of M&E strategies for implementing the ETC toolkit
4. To collaborate with WHO in building capacity in injury prevention and ETC
- Reviewing documentation for WHO mentoring programme on injury prevention
- Supporting WHO to conducting at least two trainings in the area of injury prevention or ETC